Sunday, August 31, 2008

No Joking At Work With Minority Co-Workers If You're White

Mr. Sensitivity's photo from-

* Even if a minority co-worker doesn't get offended ( as is the
usual case). Self hating Multicult worshipers like the "White
male" above will. They will report you to the PC commissars
and your career can go up in smoke. Solution = no interaction
with any non-White at work socially ( Or any White who may
be self hating). Then you will not have to worry about cracking
any eggshells you have to walk on. They can call you
anti-social , but at least your career will remain intact !

Fort Pierce officer suspended;black

colleague didn't find

comment offensive

By Will Greenlee (Contact)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

— A white police lieutenant received a three-day

unpaid suspension for comments in a conversation with a black

detective that "deeply offended" the white police chief, but did not

offend the detective, according to records released Wednesday.

Lt. Katherine England, who is white, received the suspension

following the July 3 interaction involving Detective Jesse Streeter,

a longtime friend of hers, and Officer Christine Davis, who at the

time was with her new K-9 dog partner, Boss.

"They then told him that the dog had not been trained yet," a report

states in summary of Streeter's comments. "Lieutenant England then

told him that the dog would not bite him and that she would prove it

to him. At this point she told the dog to, ‘bite the black man, bite the

black man.’"

Streeter saw Chief Sean Baldwin walk by as England said, "Bite the

black man, bite the black man." Baldwin, who is white, reported

being "deeply offended" and directed an internal investigation into

the matter.

Baldwin wrote the investigation indicates Streeter wasn’t offended

and found no evidence of "malicious discriminatory intent," but that

it was "in contempt of our policies, which are intended to promote a

value for diversity within our organization and support positive

relationships within the community we serve.”

Full Article @-

Snapshots From A Once Beautiful New York City

And now thanks to Diversity ! -

Demographics of New York city in 2000
Population density 26,402.9/mi²
Median household income (1999) $38,293
Per capita income (1999) $22,402
Bachelor's degree or higher 27%
Foreign born 36%
White 45%
Black 27%
Hispanic (any race) 27%
Asian 10%

And they call Diversity a strength and cultural
enrichment ?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

This Guy Will Surely Be Branded An "Uncle Tom " !

* Mfonobong will be in big trouble with the Muticultural
commissars ! For refusing to blame everything on
White people. Odds are he will be ostracized and
labeled an "Uncle Tom".

Africa, Don't Blame The Whites
Mfonobong Nsehe

More Cultural "Enrichment" From Diversity

The future that Marxists wish upon White
America. A so-called utopia of third world
poverty and customs. This is their idea
of cultural "enrichment" and "refinement".

Murder, Indian style, now in

the Chicagoland

Despite the mandatory “happy talk” about the wonders of “diversity,”

Third World immigrants—legal and otherwise—typically bring with

them the very things that make their home countries undesirable

places to live: poverty, crime, disease, and squalor.

An Indian family living in Oak Forest, Illinois, has brought something

particularly unpleasant to the Chicagoland: the custom of enforcing

India’s cast system by punishing violators with death by fire.

As MSNBC reports,

A blaze that killed a couple and their 3-year-old son in their

suburban Chicago apartment may have had its point of origin

on the other side of the world, in India’s ancient Hindu caste


Prosecutors say Subhash Chander, an immigrant

from India, doused the place with gasoline and set the

fire - killing his pregnant daughter, son-in-law and

their child - because he believed the young woman

had married beneath her station.

Of course, violent crime can and does occur among Americans

too. Such brutal and cruel forms of murder, however, are rare,

especially among whites.

But not in India. As the MSNBC article puts it,

In India, women are commonly killed in disputes over

dowries, with the victims often doused with gasoline

and set on fire in what the killers sometimes explain

away as kitchen accidents.

“Silent Ethnic Cleansing” in

Chicago and beyond

Mexicans are quietly “cleansing” many neighborhoods of Americans

in exactly the same way as Serbs “cleansed” Serbia during the

Yugoslavian civil war. Only the Mexicans aren’t eradicating

Americans from their territory, but from ours.

As activist Frosty Wooldridge writes in the American Chronicle,

the process of driving Americans out of the various enclaves of

U.S. soil which are now under the de facto control of Mexicans

meets Wikipedia’s definition of ethnic cleansing. Chicago is a hot

spot of such cleansing. Especially disturbing is the “spin” put on

such occurrences by the media:

Almost every story is pro-immigration, feel good
immigration stories or stories about how deportation
will “break-up” families. Stories about the Latin
Kings or illegal alien drunk driving accidents
would make Geraldo Rivera proud. Those are
only gang banger or drunk driving “incidents” -
not illegal immigration issues.

But some Chicagoans are nonetheless waking up to what’s
happening. As one writes:

I was not overly concerned until May 1,

2006. I was stunned to see all the Mexican

flags, pictures of Che Guevara, and nasty

slogans in Spanish by the hundreds

of thousands of marchers in Chicago…

The sprawl in the Chicago area has become

overwhelming as Native Americans are

pushed further and further out, the result

of cultural and ethnic cleansing of


Today there are four Spanish Language

TV Stations,17 Spanish language Radio

stations and numerous Spanish language

publications, church services,

street signs, box store signage, as well

as government documents in Spanish.

My son’s former grade school has hired three

teachers to educate children in SPANISH!

Even though Chicago is over one-thousand miles

from the Mexican border, the Hispanic population

in the area is now approaching two million! In

1965 it was less than 100,000 — and they were

mostly citizens (Puerto Ricans)…

While illegal alien migrants chant ‘racism’, they

methodically take over American neighborhoods

and create their own enclaves filled with more

of their own.

Our comment: the colonization of the United States by
Mexicans will continue as long as we continue to believe
our own lies: that the alien invaders are nothing more
than a modern-day version of the starry-eyed European
immigrants who once came ashore on Ellis Island. It’s
time to put the tired “nation of immigrants” myths to
rest–or at least to stop using the same word to describe
both the people who built our nation, and those who
are destroying it!

Sick Of Anti-White Defamation

* The Bolshevik politically correct media quickly hush this fact -

* But waste no time in giving this wall to wall coverage 24/7-

The rare white-on-black attack is always 'front page' and
featured coverage by most news media



Oh my. The hate mill has another poster boy. Benjamin

Smith, a "White" supremacist. He replaces William

King. Before that, it was another "White" guy. Just like

"animal threat of the month" in California's media, we

now have "White supremacist threat of the month," and

the media is on a carnivorous feeding frenzy. You'd think

from reading papers and watching TV, no minority ever

commits hate crimes!

Excuse me for not doing the obligatory "bend over and take

a lashing for your race" bit. Sorry for sounding insensitive,

but I get e-mails from around the country detailing hate

crimes committed against European-Americans quite

often. I sit in front of the boob tube hoping against all odds

that it will be reported beyond the locale of where it was

committed. To no avail. But when someone of another

ethnicity is a victim of a European-American hate criminal,

I get to hear about it in print, on radio, on the TV for a month

straight. This is complete with condemnations of the 1st

and 2nd amendment. Collective white guilt crammed down

my throat coupled with a news blackout of "Whites" as

victims. It's very eeirie, like revenge publicity equalling the

lynch mob hysteria about Black crime in the Ku Klux Klan's


The reason I am not joining the "get da White man" chorus is

because those who profit from the hate mill want me to jump

all over "Whites" and ignore crimes against my own ethnicity.

I refuse to do so. My guard will remain up until I see other

races defending me, instead of everyone but me. This

selectivism will not put an end to "hate," it reinforces the

sterotype that only people with my lack of pigmentation can

committ hate crimes. I will not give the line "It's an unfortunate

incident and we have to ban the distribution of racist literature

and turn in our firearms." I am more concerned with the

selective pointing of fingers. Any "hatewatch" website will list

every single chapter of every White racist group in the country.

If they expose non-White hate groups at all, it will be the

Nation if Islam for their anti-semitism, and even then only

one chapter is listed. So these "anti-hate" groups then have

an inflated number of racist Whitey sites and use the number

in their mailings to lull guilty White liberals into sending them

money. On several occasions, I have sent violently antiwhite hate

sites to these "hate monitors," and I have yet to see just one of

them linked as a hate group. Not even the one that advertises

"Dead Gringo malt liquor" or the ones that calls for ethnic

cleansing of European-Americans from the Southwestern U.S.

Gee, thanks.

What has struck me the most about these shootings is that this

young man, Benjamin Smith, felt so oppressed that he deemed

it appropriate way to express his feelings by murdering

innocent people. WHY, I ask, was he so "hateful?" What has

driven so many European-American youth recently to act out

in this manner? Sure, we have racists who promote this kind

of activity, but what draws people to these groups in the first

place? Why also do White teenage boys have the highest

suicide rate of all groups, and the girls, the lowest self-esteem?

Why is it that when a minority committs a crime, a litany of

excuses blaming poverty, bad education, racism, etc.. are

trotted out to justify their atrocities? By the same rule, the

liberals should look at society and ask if it has played a part

in creating White rage. Their frustrations need to be

addressed, just like any other race, instead of invalidating

them and demonizing the people in efforts to silence the

concerns many Whites feel, but are too intimdated to

express. I am not talking about feelings of hatred, I am

talking about the legitimate concerns Whites are denied

an outlet for that leads to hatred and pushes them into

the arms of revolutionary racist groups.

I am one of those people who know a good number of

European-Americans who have frustrations about the

new tide of reverse discrimination. They fear public

ostracism, hence they just simmer inside with frustration.

Any effort to discuss antiwhite racism is met with a

chorus of whitebashers screaming "racist!" People of my

ethnicity are denied any legitimate outlet for discussing

race issues and frustration about racism directed at

them. Some are put right into the camp of the "hate

groups" since those charged with "teaching tolerance" are

nothing short of Whitebashers who laugh in their face

when charged with bigotry against Whites. The hate groups

on both sides, the ADL and the KKK types thrive on this

stuff and the rest of us duck and cover our heads. The

anti-white groups like ADL make millions by exaggerating

white racism and playing into the fears of people. White

people end up as fodder for their hate mill money-making

machine. The message of White hate groups is that through

the system, there is no justice. The media and antiwhite

groups like Hatewatch appear to prove them correct by

working to stifle any real discusssions on race and ignoring

hate crimes when perpetrated against European-Americans.

These groups go so far as opposing the hyphenized term of

"European-Americans." It's like they are saying "it is your

turn to be the vicitm Whitey."

I don't believe their aim is to end hate, but to get Whitey and

make him pay for the sins of his ancestors.. I was talking to

one of these jokers on the internet once, and he said if they

expose these antiwhite crimes, they fear there would be a

backlash and a fresh new slew of lynchings. Well I say their

motives in exposing only White hate criminals serves to

"racially profile" Euro-Americans and create a violent

backlash against them, and the statistics bear me out. Then

the lynchings of innocent whites is either excused as a

"reaction of oppression" or not addressed at all. This, in

the spirit of HATRED against a group of people on the basis

of what an individual does. White people cannot identify

with their ethnic group unless it is to express collective

guilt. I refuse to go along.

A recent example of this double-standard occurred during

the trial for the murder of Robert Byrd. Here is how the media

works. Whenever such a repugnant crime by a "White"

occurs, they search around for related stories, the way they

find and publicize mountain lion sightings after a recent

attack. So, we were treated to "cross-burnings," swastika

grafitti, etc.. during William King's trial. Bad white men.

What I didn't know until recently was that there was a trial

in Denver during the King trial. You would think the

"related stories" news hounds would have picked this

one up and plastered it across the evening news. No such

luck. The victim was the wrong color. A grizzly hate crime

against a 14-year-old European-American girl was being

tried in a Denver court room during the same week as

King's trial.. Somehow, the Denver local news managed

to not call it a hate crime or even hint at it, which infuriated

me. Brandy Duvall was waiting at a bus stop when she was

abducted by 7 Hispanic men and taken to one of their

homes. There, she endured hours of pain and terror at the

hands of these hate criminals. This little girl was repeatedly

gang-raped by the punks, then they savagely raped her

with a broomstick. They snuffed out her innocent,

promise-filled life by stabbing her 27 times and then they

dumped her in a ditch. No national news story, no "related

news" about the trial. That is because they are profiling

Whites as hate criminals and even ignoring hate crimes

against CHILDREN because they are White. Just imagine

if this were 7 "White" men who perpetrated this crime

against a "Brown" child?

If there had been coverage, we would have been treated

to the pain and horror of the perpetrators' families. I

can see it now. "Dad was a migrant farm workwer and

was oppressed by his White "redneck" boss. His wife

died of TB, and no one was left to care for their 5 children,

because he was off at work 16 hours a day trying to make

ends meet. Then little Javier joined a gang because he

wanted the sense of family he had lost. He had been

forced to drink alcohol and didn't want to rape

Brandy, but he didn't want his new friends to call

him a homosexual. Even though he felt it was wrong

to stab her, he did it anyway because of peer pressure."

Contrast that to the story of William King, whose story

was never heard because we don't look for reasons why

Whites committ hate crimes, we only make them out to

be inherently evil. Hence, the public was not aware he

and Byrd knew each other and had the same parole

officer. The public didn't know King had been gang-raped

in prison by Blacks. It's no excuse for what he did, but

why was there no intervention to help him deal with his

rape at the hands of these men? Why no public agony

over the plight of inmates who are subjected to this

on a daily basis?

What about the recent Fayetteville murders of two

"White" women who were mudered as a part of an

Crips gang initiation reportedly to kill a White person?

Again, no coverage beyond the locale. The stories flash

across my screen on a monthly basis. If I get a response

from an "antihate" group at all over my concerns, they

are excusing antiwhite hate crimes or looking for a

reason to not call them hate motivated.

It's enough to make me ill. Even hate crimes data is

meddled with to make it look like White youth are the

main perpetrators of hate crimes. Numerically, maybe

they are, but less than their proportion of the population

for sure. A sinister thing is going on at the F.B.I. The hate

crimes division takes local raw hate crimes data and

classies Hispanic, Jewish, and other non-Black perpetrators

as "White," but calls them Hispanic or Jewish, etc..when

they are victims. This falsely inflates the European-American

portion of hate crimes. Profiling also occurs. Police departments

are trained to look for "hate" motives whenever a White-on-

minority crimes occurs. You can bet your bottom that White

victims of Black rape are not asked if they were subject to

racial slurs during the attack. Brandy Duvall's killers were

not probed to see if they had expressed antiwhite sentiments.

As I write this, I hold out little hope that it will go beyond

my e-mail list. It is tabboo for White people to say anything

beyond the accepted "let's just outlaw White racism and

guns" mantra. But I ask, is suppressing the truth helping

matters or making them worse? If we really want to get a

handle on "hate," then we must recognize that it knows

no color boundaries and doesn't stop at Whitey's door.

This country is obsessed with race. We need to address

the concerns of European-Americans instead of suppressing

their feelings and "projecting" them into the criminal role.

Yes, we should address the legitimate concerns over affirmative

action, reverse institutionalized racism, stereotyping,

racial projecting, having our history rewritten or erased,

being called "racist" if we don't celebrate others' diversity

and stifle our own, becoming a minority, being denied our

own ethnic advocacy and cultural groupings, etc..

Let's not forget the racism in the media. Any person who

reads any story about race sees Blacks called "African-

Americans," Yellows called "Asians," Reds called "Native

Americans," and Browns called "Hispanics." Look, in the

same paragraph, European-Americans are called "White."

When colors are used to designate all ethnic groups, White

is the only color not capitalized.

In essence, those who attack the manifestations of racism,

such as sterotyping, use the same to perpetrate racism

against Whites. They also claim to oppose racial slurs, but

in the same sentence, will say "redneck, hillbilly, white

trash, honkey, angry White male, white bread, goy, trailor

park trash, lily white," etc.. I saw a quote recently from a

police officer who trains others to fight hate crimes. He

was quoted using the word "redneck," which is the

equivalent of "wetback." Should I trust these people?

Not unless justice is applied equally under the law. For

that to happen, these antiwhite hatemongers and self-loathers

need to listen to European-Americans' concerns. I am not

talking about putting a Klansman on a race panel or a

brainwashed self-loathing White liberal to sit there and

apologize for slavery and segregation. I want an eloquent

spokesperson to present my views, not a plant that will

reinforce their vengeful stereotypes. I WANT to believe

that "get Whitey" vengeance is not the reason for "antihate"

groups. But my contentions are confirmed with every story

I read and every antihate web site I view.

Sadly, I think the left realizes the nature of bigotry all

too well. They do their best to exploit it and promote

divisions for their own self-serving reasons. It is short

of miraculous that they have been able to exploit their

own supporters' self-loathing and tap into the bigotry

many hold against Americans of European descent.

I am tired of it and I will not remian silent. I am tired of

being harassed by minorities neighborhood I live in. I am

tired of seeing racial slurs used against me in the newspapers

and on radio talk shows. I am tired of seeing help wanted

posters at the post office with photos of "diverse" people with

the exception of me. They might has just put up a "no Whites

need apply" sign. I am sick of hearing the Irish referred to

as "paddys." I am tired of the drunk Irish jokes. Fumes come

out of my ears when I hear dumb blond jokes, as they are

racially motivated to apply to women of European descent. You

think it's cute? Ever hear of "kinky hair female" jokes? I am

tired of selective German words used in columnists' antiwhite

rants. I am tired of hearing references to Vandals, Barbarians

and Visigoths to describe evil. They are the people I am

descended from, and I HONOR my ancestors and deeply

resent my blood kin being defamed in this manner. I am

sick of being called "White" when others are referred to as

hyphenated Americans. I am sick of seeing my cultural

heritage dismantled in front of my eyes and replaced with

Quetzocoatyl statues and Black Panther tributes. I am

outraged that proof of my ancestors' pre-Columbus

presence in North America is being systematically buried

are repressed before study in a clear effort to smother my

diversity and spit on the graves of my indigenous

ancestors. I am frustrated that I am being ethnically cleansed

from my home in Southern California by racist Mexican

gangs. I am tired that anti-white graffitti is not classified

as a hate crime, but rather, gang crime. I am sick of being

told to celebrate others' diversity and repress my own. Yes,

we "Whites" do have a heritage that goes way beyond

Columbus and the Mayflower. We have quite a story of

oppression, slavery and hardship too. I am sick of seeing

European-American youth forced to act like they are Black

or Brown in order to fit in. I am tired of hearing the term

"White male" used in a derogatory manner by slimy politicians

who aim to tap into the bigotry of voters. I am sick of being

asked by the census people if I am a "Hispanic, African-

American, Asian-American, Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic


Islander descent. I am not "Caucasion" any more than an

African-American is a "Negroid."

So there you have it, in the words of an "Angry White

female." I don't want to hear any "you must condemn

your race" hogwash. I will discuss the victimization of

other groups as soon as they are willing to address my

long list of grievances, and openly discuss racial issues,

minus the liberal tabboos and Whitebashing.

The Origins Of Political Correctness

The Origins of
Political Correctness

An Accuracy in Academia Address

by Bill Lind

Variations of this speech have been

delivered to various AIA conferences

including the 2000 Consevative

University at American University

Where does all this stuff that you’ve heard about this morning – the

victim feminism, the gay rights movement, the invented statistics, the

rewritten history, the lies, the demands, all the rest of it – where does it

come from? For the first time in our history, Americans have to be

fearful of what they say, of what they write, and of what they

think. They have to be afraid of using the wrong word, a word

denounced as offensive or insensitive, or racist, sexist, or

homophobic. ( Doe's this sound like freedom to you ?)

We have seen other countries, particularly in this century, where this has

been the case. And we have always regarded them with a mixture of

pity, and to be truthful, some amusement, because it has struck us as

so strange that people would allow a situation to develop where they

would be afraid of what words they used. But we now have this

situation in this country. We have it primarily on college

campuses, but it is spreading throughout the whole society. Were

does it come from? What is it?

We call it "Political Correctness." The name originated as something

of a joke, literally in a comic strip, and we tend still to think of it as

only half-serious. In fact, it’s deadly serious. It is the great disease

of our century, the disease that has left tens of millions of people

dead in Europe, in Russia, in China, indeed around the world. It

is the disease of ideology. PC is not funny. PC is deadly serious.

If we look at it analytically, if we look at it historically, we quickly

find out exactly what it is. Political Correctness is cultural

Marxism. It is Marxism translated from economic into cultural

terms. It is an effort that goes back not to the 1960s and the hippies

and the peace movement, but back to World War I. If we compare

the basic tenets of Political Correctness with classical Marxism the

parallels are very obvious.

First of all, both are totalitarian ideologies. The totalitarian nature

of Political Correctness is revealed nowhere more clearly than on

college campuses, many of which at this point are small ivy covered

North Koreas, where the student or faculty member who dares to

cross any of the lines set up by the gender feminist or the

homosexual-rights activists, or the local black or Hispanic

group, or any of the other sainted "victims" groups that PC

revolves around, quickly find themselves in judicial trouble. Within

the small legal system of the college, they face formal charges –

some star-chamber proceeding – and punishment. That is a

little look into the future that Political Correctness intends for the

nation as a whole.

Indeed, all ideologies are totalitarian because the essence of an

ideology (I would note that conservatism correctly understood is not

an ideology) is to take some philosophy and say on the basis of this

philosophy certain things must be true – such as the whole of the

history of our culture is the history of the oppression of women.

Since reality contradicts that, reality must be forbidden. It

must become forbidden to acknowledge the reality of our history.

People must be forced to live a lie, and since people are naturally

reluctant to live a lie, they naturally use their ears and eyes to look

out and say, "Wait a minute. This isn’t true. I can see it isn’t true,"

the power of the state must be put behind the demand to live

a lie. That is why ideology invariably creates a totalitarian state.

Second, the cultural Marxism of Political Correctness, like economic

Marxism, has a single factor explanation of history. Economic Marxism

says that all of history is determined by ownership of means of

production. Cultural Marxism, or Political Correctness, says that

all history is determined by power, by which groups defined in

terms of race, sex, etc., have power over which other groups. Nothing

else matters. All literature, indeed, is about that. Everything in the past

is about that one thing.

Third, just as in classical economic Marxism certain groups, i.e. workers

and peasants, are a priori good, and other groups, i.e., the bourgeoisie

and capital owners, are evil. In the cultural Marxism of Political

Correctness certain groups are good – feminist women,

(only feminist women, non-feminist women are deemed not

to exist) blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals. These groups are determined

to be "victims," and therefore automatically good regardless of what

any of them do. Similarly, white males are determined

automatically to be evil, thereby becoming the equivalent of the

bourgeoisie in economic Marxism.