America. A so-called utopia of third world
poverty and customs. This is their idea
of cultural "enrichment" and "refinement".
Murder, Indian style, now in
the Chicagoland
Despite the mandatory “happy talk” about the wonders of “diversity,”
Third World immigrants—legal and otherwise—typically bring with
them the very things that make their home countries undesirable
places to live: poverty, crime, disease, and squalor.
An Indian family living in Oak Forest, Illinois, has brought something
particularly unpleasant to the Chicagoland: the custom of enforcing
India’s cast system by punishing violators with death by fire.
As MSNBC reports,
A blaze that killed a couple and their 3-year-old son in their
suburban Chicago apartment may have had its point of origin
on the other side of the world, in India’s ancient Hindu caste
Prosecutors say Subhash Chander, an immigrant
from India, doused the place with gasoline and set the
fire - killing his pregnant daughter, son-in-law and
their child - because he believed the young woman
had married beneath her station.
Of course, violent crime can and does occur among Americans
too. Such brutal and cruel forms of murder, however, are rare,
especially among whites.
But not in India. As the MSNBC article puts it,
In India, women are commonly killed in disputes over
dowries, with the victims often doused with gasoline
and set on fire in what the killers sometimes explain
away as kitchen accidents.
“Silent Ethnic Cleansing” in
Chicago and beyond
Mexicans are quietly “cleansing” many neighborhoods of Americans
in exactly the same way as Serbs “cleansed” Serbia during the
Yugoslavian civil war. Only the Mexicans aren’t eradicating
Americans from their territory, but from ours.
As activist Frosty Wooldridge writes in the American Chronicle,
the process of driving Americans out of the various enclaves of
U.S. soil which are now under the de facto control of Mexicans
meets Wikipedia’s definition of ethnic cleansing. Chicago is a hot
spot of such cleansing. Especially disturbing is the “spin” put on
such occurrences by the media:
immigration stories or stories about how deportation
will “break-up” families. Stories about the Latin
Kings or illegal alien drunk driving accidents
would make Geraldo Rivera proud. Those are
only gang banger or drunk driving “incidents” -
not illegal immigration issues.
But some Chicagoans are nonetheless waking up to what’s
happening. As one writes:
I was not overly concerned until May 1,
2006. I was stunned to see all the Mexican
flags, pictures of Che Guevara, and nasty
slogans in Spanish by the hundreds
of thousands of marchers in Chicago…
The sprawl in the Chicago area has become
overwhelming as Native Americans are
pushed further and further out, the result
of cultural and ethnic cleansing of
Today there are four Spanish Language
TV Stations,17 Spanish language Radio
stations and numerous Spanish language
publications, church services,
street signs, box store signage, as well
as government documents in Spanish.
My son’s former grade school has hired three
teachers to educate children in SPANISH!
Even though Chicago is over one-thousand miles
from the Mexican border, the Hispanic population
in the area is now approaching two million! In
1965 it was less than 100,000 — and they were
mostly citizens (Puerto Ricans)…
While illegal alien migrants chant ‘racism’, they
methodically take over American neighborhoods
and create their own enclaves filled with more
of their own.
Our comment: the colonization of the United States by
Mexicans will continue as long as we continue to believe
our own lies: that the alien invaders are nothing more
than a modern-day version of the starry-eyed European
immigrants who once came ashore on Ellis Island. It’s
time to put the tired “nation of immigrants” myths to
rest–or at least to stop using the same word to describe
both the people who built our nation, and those who
are destroying it!