Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The "Hate Crime" Hustle

The truth about 'hate crimes' and

the racial justice racket

On Thanksgiving morning, the top right-hand corner of this page
quoted Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center on what he
said was the reaction of hate groups to the dawning of the Age of
Obama: "We've seen everything from cross-burnings on lawns of
interracial couples to effigies of [President-elect Barack] Obama
hanging from nooses to unpleasant exchanges in schoolyards. I
think we're in a worrying situation right now."

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a thriving business. The
Alabama-based "nonprofit" firm has become a font of riches for
founder Morris Dees and his associates. Its last tax return (2005)
showed it took in nearly $111 million in donations the previous
four years alone and reported assets of $189.4 million at the end
of 2005.

Its business is fundraising, and its success at raking in the cash is
based on its ability to sell gullible people on the idea that present-day
America is awash in white racism and anti-Semitism, which it will
fight tooth-and-nail as the public interest law firm it purports to
be. That might lead a skeptic to wonder why it spends little on
litigation and why Mr. Dees pockets a lot of money sent in by
panicked donors who buy into the smear campaigns against
organizations or prominent individuals who question racial
preference programs.

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