Sunday, December 14, 2008

Australia To Discriminate In The Name Of "Equality"

Australia joins the club of White nations
discriminating against it's own . Wake up
White race or soon you will be a people
without a nation or a pot to piss in !

Discrimination against white males
will soon be encouraged

DISCRIMINATION against dominant white males

( Shouldn't a White male or Woman for that matter, be

the dominant race in their nations ?) will soon be

encouraged in a bid to boost the status of women, the

disabled and cultural and religious minorities.

Such positive discrimination -- treating people differently in order to

obtain equality for marginalised groups ( Discrimination in the

name of equality, how Orwellian)- is set to be legalised under

planned changes to the Equal Opportunity Act foreshadowed last

week by state Attorney-General Rob Hulls

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

An America The Marxist Muticult Created

The True Motive Behind "Anti"- Racism

Third World Africa In Our Midst

The Wal-Mart stampede caught on camera -

Another "benefit" of Dieversity, and
yet another minority contribution to
our culture ! Oh, blessed be us for
the gift of Dieversity.

The "Hate Crime" Hustle

The truth about 'hate crimes' and

the racial justice racket

On Thanksgiving morning, the top right-hand corner of this page
quoted Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center on what he
said was the reaction of hate groups to the dawning of the Age of
Obama: "We've seen everything from cross-burnings on lawns of
interracial couples to effigies of [President-elect Barack] Obama
hanging from nooses to unpleasant exchanges in schoolyards. I
think we're in a worrying situation right now."

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a thriving business. The
Alabama-based "nonprofit" firm has become a font of riches for
founder Morris Dees and his associates. Its last tax return (2005)
showed it took in nearly $111 million in donations the previous
four years alone and reported assets of $189.4 million at the end
of 2005.

Its business is fundraising, and its success at raking in the cash is
based on its ability to sell gullible people on the idea that present-day
America is awash in white racism and anti-Semitism, which it will
fight tooth-and-nail as the public interest law firm it purports to
be. That might lead a skeptic to wonder why it spends little on
litigation and why Mr. Dees pockets a lot of money sent in by
panicked donors who buy into the smear campaigns against
organizations or prominent individuals who question racial
preference programs.

Read More......

Sunday, November 2, 2008

An Example Of What The Multicult Schools Censor

Criminals were lynched in the old days. Now they portray it as an
event carried out by White racists who only targeted Blacks. Does the
man circled in the photograph above look Black to you ?
The Communist school system constantly bombards and
indoctrinates White youth with pictures like the above." Oh those
terrible Whites where soooo racist to the poor wittle Blacks".
Yet they omit that Blacks are not and were never 100 %
innocent. Why are no pictures like above ever shown to school
children ? Quite simply because it would go against instilling
"White guilt" and self hatred. And it would devastate their
feeble "Blacks cannot be racist, only Whites" argument.

Enlightened Obama Supporter Sends Columnist Racial Hate Mail

Magda Robinson ?

Journalist Devvy Kidd
Receives More Death Threats


From: magda robinson
Sent: 10/30/2008 6:43:33 PM

You racist white bitch! How dare you question the citizenship of
the greatest hope our country has ever had for change?

You lying honkeys are afraid of having a Black President that's
why you continue to spread the lie that he wasn't born in Hawaii.

You're damned right we will burn this racist piece of shit country to
the ground if we are denied our messiah. you white motherfuckers
already stole two elections, we will not let you steal a third. Obama
is the great hope of the oppressed masses, and he will win in a
landslide. You racist whites better not try anything funny, or else
you will pay.

We will make the Watts riots look like a party you white
lying bitch.

Power to the People! God bless Barack Obama!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Marxist Race Agitators Setting The Stage For Riots - Again !

Maxine Waters agitating now, like
Los Angleles in 1992. Bringing
you Democracy third world
style ! By threat of violence.

Will black voters be powder keg?
'Kerosene' Maxine Waters demands FBI probe
of unconfirmed reports


Whites Should Not Be Allowed To Vote ! Says Marxist Newspaper Columnist

* Hatred for Whites disguised as satire, by
a self loathing "White".

White people shouldn't

be allowed to vote

It's for the good of the country and for

those who're bitter for a reason and

armed because they're scared.

Jonathan Valania

is editor in chief of the blog

As a lifelong Caucasian, I am beginning to think the time has finally come

to take the right to vote away from white people, at least until we come

to our senses. Seriously, I just don't think we can be trusted to exercise

it responsibly anymore.

I give you Exhibit A: The last eight years.

In 2000, Bush-Cheney stole the election, got us attacked, and then got us

into two no-exit wars. Four years later, white people reelected them. Is not

the repetition of the same behavior over and over again with the

expectation of a different outcome the very definition of insanity? (It is, I

looked it up.)

Exhibit B is any given Sarah Palin rally.

Exhibit C would be Ed Rendell and John Murtha, who in separate moments

of on-the-record candor they would come to regret, pointing out that

there are plenty of people in Pennsylvania who just cannot bring

themselves to pull the lever for a black man - no matter what they

tell pollsters.

These people are ruining things for the rest of us white people who are

ready to move on. Sure, they have their reasons, chimerical though they

may be: He's a Muslim. He's a terrorist. He's a Muslim terrorist. He's going

to fire all the white people and give their jobs to blacks.

But those are just the little white lies these people allow themselves to

be told, a self-induced cognitive dissonance that lets them avoid saying the

unsayable: I cannot pull the lever for a black man.

Hey, some people just aren't ready yet, even the governor said so. Just

like some people aren't ready yet for computers or setting the clock on

the VCR.

Or, to hear Murtha tell it, some people - specifically some people in

Western Pennsylvania - will never be ready. But the fact is, if you did a

statewide head count of racists, you'd find just as many in eastern

Pennsylvania as you would in the western part of the state.

That's why this ban on white people voting I'm proposing has got to be

statewide. And I'm sorry to say, it's going to have to include all white

people, even those who would vote for Obama, because you can't just

let some white people vote. That would be unfair.

By this point, you either think I am joking or are calling me an elitist. I

assure you I am neither. OK, maybe a little of both. But it wasn't always

like this. I come from the Coal Belt, from that Alabamian hinterland

between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, as per James Carville's famous


I am, in fact, just two generations out of the coal mines that blackened

the lungs of my grandfather, leaving him disabled, despondent and,

finally,dead at the ripe old age of 54.

So, understand that I am saying all this for the good of the country and,

in fact, for the good of those hard-working white people that Hillary used

to pander to.

I know those people, I come from them. They are not some shameful

abstract demographic to be brushed under the rug of euphemism by

Wolf Blitzer and his ilk.

I have broken kielbasa with those people. I went to school with their

children. I have gone to Sunday Mass with a deer-hunter hangover with

those people. They are bitter with good reason, and they are armed

because they are scared. They mean well, but they are easily spooked.

I fear for what is to become of them after the campaigns leave town for

the last time, and Scranton and Allentown and Carlisle go back to being

the long dark chicken dance of the national soul they were before the

media showed up.
E-mail Jonathan Valania at

* Any wonder why newspaper subscriptions are down ?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This Is Why You Should Never Join The Zionist US Army- Especially If You're White

I would never fight for this piece of Shit Zionist occupied
nation. Thanks to their 1965 immigration act, they killed
what was once America. It is no longer our nation, we are
no longer represented, we are treated as second class. So
why fight for this kosher oppressor ? Let their Fucking
Multicult USA die ! Wake up White people, we have
become like the Palestinians. We are a people without
a nation, within what used to be our nation. We need
an intifada of our own ! I would only fight to restore
it, not for the Jewish Multicult cesspool it has become.

The Media Is Such A Fucking Tool Of The Zionists

Comments about the video-

1. To the idiot who says racism still exists. There was no
racism here. It was another racism hoax carried out
by a Black !

2. To the ADL whiner. Of course your job isn't done, it will never be
done. You will find and manufacture racism wherever and whenever
you can. If you didn't, you'd be out of a job. And I do mean
manufacture racism directed at minorities, while portraying Whites
as the evil racist ones each time. Correct ?

3. The media as usual run around like a chicken beheaded looking
for racism. Only if they believe it's directed at non-Whites of course.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Multiculturalism Is Destroying American Nationhood

Immigration before the 1965 immigration act
Immigration after the 1965 act
The predicted demographics due to the 1965
immigration act

The current affects on the southwestern United States. The
illegal alien movements mythical Aztlan homeland

Cult of multiculturalism'


U.S. sovereignty

By Paula R. Kaufman

Posted: August 3, 2003 Thomas Tancredo is a third-term Republican congressman

from Colorado. As chairman of the 65-member Congressional Immigration Reform

Caucus he deals regularly with such facts as these: More than 33.1 million immigrants

live in the United States, a number unprecedented in U.S. history. Poverty rates for

immigrants and their U.S.-born children are two-thirds higher than for native-born

Americans and their children and account for approximately 25 percent of those

now living in poverty in this country. Twenty-four of the southernmost U.S. states

have accrued almost $1 billion in unpaid medical care – all attributed to illegal


Tancredo worries about the innumerable U.S. jobs he says have been wiped out by

immigration. He outspokenly faults the Bush administration for its open-border

policy, which Tancredo believes not only has put Americans out of work but also

suppressed their wages. "I speak to people who lose their jobs to immigration:

electricians, carpenters, high-tech workers. They call my office all the time. Hundreds

of thousands of Americans are losing their jobs to immigrants, both legal and

illegal,'' Tancredo tells Insight.

Tancredo also blames the immigration crisis on the ''liberal agenda," which he sees as

encouraging immigrants to retain their language and their political allegiance to a foreign

government while seeing themselves as separate and distinct from other Americans. It's

a situation, he says, created by the liberal ''cult of multiculturalism." He's also concerned

about the number of people – between 6 million and 10 million – in the United States with

dual citizenship. What does this mean for America's sovereignty and the future of the

country? Tancredo is not alone in his concern: Polls show that 75 percent of Americans

support immigration reform.

Tancredo warns about what he sees as the continuing encroachment of Mexico in the

affairs of the United States. He regards the controversial matricula consular, an

identification card issued by Mexico, as an effort to regularize illegal immigration

into the United States. He points out that the suspected murderer of Los Angeles

County Deputy Sheriff David March, arrested and deported not once but three

times, lives openly in Mexico and has not been arrested by Mexican officials. The

Colorado congressman seeks changes in the U.S. extradition treaty with Mexico

and is considering calling for congressional- oversight hearings on the influence

of Mexican cartels on U.S. politics. What guides Tancredo's attitude toward

immigration, he says, is a principle as old as the republic itself – that ''we are a

nation bonded by a common language, culture, manners and customs."

Question from Insight: The U.S. economy is in a slump and Americans by the millions

are out of work, yet the wholesale replacement of our workers by immigrants is under

way. What gives?

When Will You Naive Useful Idiots Get It ?

See how they play the naive and altruistic "anti-Racists" for
fools. They use fake Jewish Nazi's for hire and PSYOPS, to demonize
White pride and awareness .Here are some of the Jewish frauds
the naive fall for -

Nazis Face Off With The Crypts

and Bloods

Showdown At Jena Louisiana

Another horrible Neo Nazi

Arsonist Trigger A German Race War

But then again they are easily influenced when they believe a kosher
media. A media that puts out "evil White" propaganda gems like this -

The Latest TV Series

But then again why would "anti-racists" care ? The are really just
anti-White racists anyway.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Zionist And Zio-Media 101: How To Discredit A White Racial Conscious And Solidarity = Use Of Fake Kosher Nazi's

Bill White- SPLC and ADL "Nazi" for hire. The
pic above is from his Anarchist/Leftist
days. Before
he was paid by the Zionists to
damage pro-White causes.

From the SPLC's own website page -

Not many on the American radical right started out on the
American radical left, but that is precisely what Bill
White did
. As recently as 1998, the man who is today the
Matt Drudge of the extreme right — an ebullient Internet
gossip who is sometimes right, sometimes wrong, but always
self-important — was an anarchist who promoted
drugs, homosexuality, bombs and violent

How does an ardent Anarchist in this websites early days suddenly
become a"Nazi" ?-

Bill Whites complete archive. From the Anarchist
days to the current "Nazi" format -*/

And now with the complete 180 degree "Nazi" makeover-

He then suddenly decides to become a "Nazi" overnight ??? And leads
this so-called party -

How does a man go from preaching an
earlier philosophy of this -

Utopian Anarchist Party

Statement of Purpose '97-'98

Article I: Purpose

The purpose of the Utopian Anarchist Party is to eliminate the
government of the United States of America and not replace it.

Article II: Goals

In pursuit of this purpose, the Utopian Anarchist Party focuses on

the following goals:

  1. Elimination of the police;
  2. Elimination of jails, prisons, and penitentiaries;
  3. Elimination of coercive public schooling; and,
  4. Elimination of coercive juvenile psychiatry;
by any means expedient.

Article III: Methods

In pursuit of these goals, the Utopian Anarchist Party seeks to
strengthen and improve the people of this country so that they can
carry out these goals and this purpose. In strengthening and
improving the people, the following methods are used:

1. Alternate social services are provided for the unfortunate,
particularly unfortunate youth, including provision of shelter,
food, work, health care, counseling and other services as
resources allow.

2. Educational and informational materials, including newsletters,
brochures, flyers, and pamphlets are created and distributed
among the population free of charge.

3. Programs to support other revolutionary groups, of all
stripes, are implemented as resources allow ( This
is odd for a man who supposedly despises non-Whites
now. At
this time he was willing to ally with LaRaza
or Black
Panthers .)

4. Legal organizations allied with the anarchist movement exist to
achieve anarchist goals within the law.

5. Armed forces are raised, as resources allow, to defend the people
and to counter the aggression of the state

Article IV: Organization and Membership

1. There is no formal or coercive organizational structure to the
Utopian Anarchist Party

2. There are no official titles or positions within the Utopian
Anarchist Party.

3. There are no membership requirements nor formal
"membership" status. (Rather odd for a man who
harbors such a hatred for non-Whites
currently. Yet another in a string of odd 180 degree
shifts in position overnight.)

4. There is no party line to which sympathizers must adhere.

5. Members of other organizations are welcome to hold sympathies
towards the Utopian Anarchist Party.

To this magically overnight -

Articles Of Organization
The American National Socialist
Workers' Party

As Amended July 28, 2008, at the Second Party Congress,
held in Roanoke, Virginia.

Article I. Name

The name of the organization shall be the American National Socialist

Workers' Party.( The Anarchist decides to become a Nazi suddenly.)

Article II. Goal

The goal of the organization shall be the establishment of a National Socialist

government in the United States, modeled on the government of the German

Third Reich. ( Now Bill White desires a government system, when

his previous stance in the Utopian Anarchist Party was-

The purpose of the Utopian Anarchist Party is to

eliminate the government of the United States of

America and not replace it. How very odd ! The

former Anarchist who despised Government now

wants one if it's a Nazi government.)

A party platform shall be established to define the political positions of the party

on specific issues affecting the American people.

XIV. Requirements for Membership

( The total opposite of his previous membership

requirements for the Utopian Anarchist Party. )

Party members shall also be known as party comrades and must be adults of

white racial heritage and good morals, and at least 18 years of age.

Party comrades must swear to uphold the goals and the leadership of the party

and must agree not to participate in organizations whose activities are harmful

to those of the party.

The Commander may draw up a list of prohibited organizations, to which party

comrades may not hold membership.

Youth organizations may be established which waive the youth requirements, but

individuals under 18 years of age may not hold office in the party or participate in

the business of the party, outside of youth organizations

White racial heritage shall be defined as being able to trace seven of one's eight

great grandparents' ethnic origins to the Aryan peoples of the land now occupied

by the following nations: Andorra, Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium,

Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, England,

Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,

Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta,

Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia,

Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, or Wales.

Those who assume leadership positions in the movement must be able to trace

fifteen of their sixteen great-great grandparents' origins to the Aryan peoples of the

lands listed above.

In the absence of evidence to the contrary, having an ancestor of a given ethnic

heritage creates a presumption that the parents of that ancestor were of the same

ethnic heritage.

Unless he is just another in a long line of Jews posing as Nazi's to
discredit White pride and racial solidarity. Read about Bill Whites
past -

Bill White

Bill is another Jew playing Nazi , like these classic cases-


Frank Collins

Leo Felton

George Lincoln Rockwell

A short history of Kosher Nazi's

Bill Whites mission as dictated by his ADL and SPLC handlers -

Bill White seeks to create a situation that the Congress, court system,
and Zio-American entity need in order to force through legislation
designed to do one thing, shut down dissent. ZOG needs to do
something and quickly, the economy is reeling and International
Jewry expects a backlash, thus they need to figure out a way to
introduce and pass legislation that will shut up bloggers like me.

Enter Bill White, he publishes the above magazine, with its
provocative cover, and writes an article that accompanies it
in which he says, "White people must deny him the presidency,
as a radical he admires might say, "by any means necessary,"
which was meant to be inflammatory.

Why does Bill White do this? I'll tell you why, just today, less than a
week after writing the above statement, Bill White tells us that some
dumb bastard was arrested outside of Barack Obama's house, with a
gun, bulletproof vest, and guess what else he had in his possession?
You got it, ANSWP [American National Socialist Workers Party]
literature. The ANSWP is in reality a non-existent American Nazi
party with approximately 6 members from coast to coast, most of
whom are as Jewish as Bill White, with the mission of making
look as racist as possible and giving ZOG the excuses
it needs to force
through hate speech legislation, which it
wants to do even more badly
than it wants to grab your
guns, which by the way is a close second.

And most of all -

Bill White’s only mission is to be as provocative and inflammatory as
possible, John de Nugent, a true White nationalist leader sums up White’s
primary purpose nicely,
“This man's mission is to discredit this
Cause [White nationalism] and cause its ultimate
de Nugent, a descendant of honorable Normans, sent me
an email earlier today, revealing
Bill White’s newest mission, to
stir up hatred against Whites that seek only to rally other
Whites around the idea that most White folk are already
somewhat aware of, how we’ve been made second class citizens
in our own country through the alleged virtues of
“multiculturalism, tolerance and diversity.”

If I were Barack Obama I’d be a little concerned at this point, not because
of the nonexistent threat represented by White nationalists, but because a
known ADL/SPLC agent is calling for his assassination, and the
have the power, money, access, and wherewithal to carry out an
assassination, and most importantly, they have the motive, set
White nationalism so that Zionism’s greatest and most
enemy can be effectively silenced.

These kosher clowns do their masters bidding. They seek to destroy
any concept of White solidarity and pride. These Jewish Zionists pose
as Nazi's and play into all of the stereotypes. They are not proud
Whites at all, just Jewish guns fore hire. They seek to vilify Whites,
not fight for us or our rights.

And the Zionists and their media have many of you believing
in their lies.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Anti-White Discrimination In The Name Of Combatting Discrimination

For those who do not realize. The signs above, are basically what the
words below in bold mean. Remember this when applying for
employment if you are White. That employer has no respect for our
race. Boycott applying at them. Let their beloved Diversity be
their downfall. Diversity=Discrimination against Whites.

Qualified females, minorities, disabled, and other qualified
veterans are encouraged to apply.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Kosher Nazi's And Their Call For Obamas Assasination

Who's calling for this ?

For those of you that still don’t know, Bill White is the self appointed
leader of the American National Socialist Workers Party, an ADL/
SPLC front used by the Zionists to incite violence against
I’ve written about this fake Nazi before, in an article
entitled Alleged White Supremacist Bill White‘s Kosher Attack on Ron
Paul,” in which I detail
Bill White’s past, he grew up in a Jewish
neighborhood and attended predominantly Jewish schools
. I
cite facts that the MSM, who loves to quote him, which ought to be a dead
giveaway, aren’t going to mention, like his close ties with known FBI agent
provocateurs like David Gletty, who while working directly with the FBI
formed a “neo-Nazi march through the streets of Parramore that stirred
up anxiety in Orlando's black community and fears of racial unrest that
triggered a major police mobilization.”

Bill White isn’t Zionism’s first plant in the White nationalist community,
there are others too, Hal Turner being another obvious example. As I
pointed out in “Alleged White Supremacist Bill White‘s Kosher Attack
on Ron Paul,” neither Bill White, or Hal Turner are considered legitimate
by real White nationalists, who are as a rule, more than aware of the
duplicity of both men. So far as I can tell, the only groups lending
White and Turner any credibility are the mainstream Zionist media,
the ADL, the SPLC, Alex Linder’s VNN, and to a slightly lesser extent,
the FBI.

What is the reasoning behind their agenda ?

Bill White’s only mission is to be as provocative and inflammatory as
possible, John de Nugent, a true White nationalist leader sums up White’s
primary purpose nicely,
“This man's mission is to discredit this
Cause [White nationalism] and cause its ultimate
de Nugent, a descendant of honorable Normans, sent me
an email earlier today, revealing
Bill White’s newest mission, to
stir up hatred against Whites that seek only to rally other
Whites around the idea that most White folk are already
somewhat aware of, how we’ve been made second class citizens
in our own country through the alleged virtues of
“multiculturalism, tolerance and diversity.”

And -

If I were Barack Obama I’d be a little concerned at this point, not because
of the nonexistent threat represented by White nationalists, but because a
known ADL/SPLC agent is calling for his assassination, and the
have the power, money, access, and wherewithal to carry out an
assassination, and most importantly, they have the motive, set
White nationalism so that Zionism’s greatest and most
enemy can be effectively silenced.

The Multicult KGB Strikes Again

If you are White and in Britain. Displaying this doll can get you
arrested by the totalitarian anti-White state. These can be
bought here-

Be sure to buy some and display them with pride. The Multicult
whiners can take it up the ASS. This little persecuting "Whitey"
game of theirs is getting very tiresome. If only these Multicult
politicians knew what the average White "serf" has in store for
them in the future.

Woman arrested over 'golly' doll

A MUM claims she was arrested and had her DNA and fingerprints
taken by police because she had a `golly' doll in the window of
her home.

Amanda Schofield, 38, was quizzed by police on suspicion of
racially-aggravated public order.

She claims the doll was put in the window by her young
daughter, who found it in a bag of toys.

But police say she was arrested after a series of complaints of
alleged racially-aggravated behaviour were made against her.

(So some whiny minorities and their White submissive
saw this doll and complained. This stupid racial
complaining game is old
. Minorities are too stupid
to see that they create RACISM ! They
use stupid race
bias laws (Which are really used to bully Whites) to

get their way. Like the politicians if only they knew
their fates
. Keep whining, you'll see soon
enough. This is what happens to our nations when
we are deceived by such naive Christian concepts like
altruism and brotherly love. Whites follow the feel
good Bullshit notions, non-Whites do
not. They care only for their own, and not all of
mankind like naive Whites do.Non-Whites come to
Europe and America and announce their plans to
take over. And Marxist White submissives do
everything to rally behind them. White submissives
are the lowest form of life. They turn on their own for
ingrates who will turn on them when they become
the majority. )

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The White Woman And Black Male Myth

The media wants to you to believe that
this is the ideal coupling. It
is far , far, far from
reality. The overwhelming majority of Whites

and Blacks prefer their own race.

All the media executives specialize in is their own
pornographic fantasies. Nothing grounded in

Friday, September 12, 2008

More Marxist Shrieking Of Racism

As endorsed by Je$$e Jack$on, and now available
for minorities in every western
nation. Apply for
your RACECARD ( also known as the White
guilt card) today !

Critics of Kalashnikov MP branded racist

Critics of a SNP politician caught on

video firing a Kalashnikov AK47 assault

rifle in Pakistan have been branded

racist and colonialist by Westminster's

newest MP.

By Simon Johnson, Scottish Political Editor
Last Updated: 5:30PM BST 11 Sep 2008

John Mason (Self hating White Marxist), who pulled off a

stunning victory in the Glasgow East by-election, claimed that

Councillor Jahangir Hanif had been unfairly lambasted for

showing his children how to use the gun during a trip to the

Kashmir border.

He argued that it amounted to 'thinly disguised racism'(What

Isn't today ?) to oppose the use of guns in other countries

where they may form an integral part of the culture.

The Scottish Nationalist ( Nationalist ?) MP also

criticised his party for suspending Mr Hanif, who has

been dubbed the Kalashnikov councillor, claiming the

sentence was unduly harsh.

The comments were acutely embarrassing for Alex Salmond,

the SNP leader, who yesterday came under attack at First

Minister's Questions at Holyrood for failing to condemn them.

Mr Salmond admitted to reading internet blogs about the scandal,

but not a letter from councillor Hanif's daughter in which she had

pleaded with him to throw her father out of the party.

Mr Mason launched his extraordinary defence of Mr Hanif's

actions after being informed of the letter's content by a local


The Glasgow East MP said: "The repeated attacks on the

SNP's Councillor Hanif are coming across as thinly disguised

racism. (This is beyond old, find some new

accusation.This one isn't really effective

anymore. This is only the

999,999,999,999,999,th time it has been used)

Full Article -

The "Enrichment" Islam Brings To England

The appreciation Islamic ingrates give England.

Another Marxist Shitrag Playing The Race And White Guilt Cards

Sorry self loathing White Marxist, but the
truth HURTS !
Have a kleenex and retreat
to the magical land of Multicult delusion.

The world's verdict will be harsh

if the US rejects the man

it (Marxism) yearns for

An America that disdains Obama for his global

support risks turning current anti-Bush feeling

into something far worse

By some douchebag who should be more

worried about Londinistan

And the manner of that decision will matter, too. If it is deemed
to have been about race - that Obama was rejected
because of his colour - the world's verdict will be harsh
. In
that circumstance, Slate's Jacob Weisberg wrote recently, international
opinion would conclude that "the United States had its day, but in
the end couldn't put its own self-interest ahead of its crazy irrationality
over race".

( Take your White guilt attempt and shove it up your Ass. Oh
my ! White America is being threatened by some mental Marxist
"news" columnists. )

Another reason to vote McSame and
Just-Came-in. Even if you don't
like them.

The Tinderbox Is Ready Explode

If their "Messiah" does not win the
Presidency, Blacks are threatening

violence. Another example of how much
of a "strength" Diversity really is.

Black Voters Fret Over Obama

Close Election Spurs
Nervousness, Anger;
A Boon to Turnout?

September 12, 2008; Page A8

An anxious murmur is rising among black voters as the presidential

race tightens: What if Barack Obama loses?

Black talk-show hosts and black-themed Web sites are being flooded

with callers and bloggers reflecting a nervousness -- and anger -- over

the campaign. Bev Smith, a nationally syndicated radio talk-show

host, devoted her entire three-hour show Monday night to the

question: "If Obama doesn't win, what will you think?"

"My audience is upset," she said in an interview. "Some people

said they would be so angry it would be reminiscent of

the [1960s] riots -- that is how despondent they would be."

( Way to promote your candidate ! Threaten third

world style election violence if he loses. I'm sure

machete murders and necklacing will be used in the

ethnic warfare...... I mean "riots". )

Who's really the racists ? Let's look at this data -

The latest Wall Street Journal poll shows 88% of blacks
backing Sen. Obama. Black voter registration has surged.

And the Marxist media does it

again ! If the Obama "Messiah"

loses. It will be because of EVIL


But the racial undertone of the campaign has some blacks -- and

some whites -- unable to envision the Illinois senator

losing the election without racism playing a role.

( I usually don't vote for two party that are really one

party fraudulent politicians. But just for vilifying

Whites and whining racism. I might just vote for

McSame and Just-came-in now. What do you

think of that ?)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Censored By The Multicult Media

Bet you never knew these media censored
facts. The media only portrays Whites as
guilty of race crimes. Here's the reality they
don't let you know -

Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes
committed every
year involving blacks and whites,
blacks commit 85 percent and
whites commit
15 percent.

Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit
officially-designated hate crimes against
whites than vice versa.

The Color of Crime

Race, Crime, and Justice in America
Second, Expanded Edition, 2005

Click for the free PDF version

Please also view-

Media-Suppressed Anti-White Crimes

"Our" politicians and the media
are not on our side. So do
not delude yourselves that they have
our best Interests at heart. They
have allowed this race war against
Whites to covertly commence
since the 1960's. They continually
cover up minority aggression, and
only portray Whites as the
antagonists.Start fighting
back by defending yourself and your
loved ones from these attacks. Start
arming yourselves so you can
defend against Anti-White crimes
and mob attacks. Start standing
up for yourselves. What's better
living and being accused of
"racism" by the media for defending
yourself and your loved ones ? Or
death in one of these attacks from
the fear of being branded "racist" if
you stand up for yourself ?

American Police Treat Mexican Illegals Better Than Mexican Police Treat U.S. Tourists

Mexican official: Oregon

man drowned in own blood

Saturday, September 06, 2008

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — A Mexican prosecutor says
an Oregon tourist drowned in his own blood while in police custody.

Sam Botner of Yoncalla, Oregon, was arrested on Aug. 27 in the
resort of San Jose del Cabo and was later found dead in a jail
cell. Prosecutors say a surveillance video shows officers
beating Botner.

In an interview Thursday with The Associated Press, state prosecutor
Fernando Gonzalez said Botner suffered a ruptured spleen and then
died of asphyxiation after internal bleeding blocked his airway.

Six police officers are under house arrest in the death.

Prosecutors have two weeks to determine whether they will bring
charges in the case.

An Illegal Alien Contributes To America By Killing 3 Americans

Ice cream shop victim's

family enraged

Son: Why was man arrested 16 times

free to kill 3 in crash?

By Tom McGhee
The Denver Post

Three days after Francis M. Hernandez drove into Patricia Guntharp's

pickup, killing her and two others, Guntharp's family wanted to know

why a man with 16 arrests in five years wasn't already behind bars.

"Our system is messed up. It is mind-blowing. You mean to tell me

that this guy was still out on the street?" asked Richard Allen Gagne,

32, Patricia Guntharp's son.

Hernandez's record includes forgery, assault, theft, fraud and driving

under restraint. He was arrested in a July traffic stop and charged with

resisting police and other offenses.

Immigration officials believe Hernandez is not a U.S. citizen and could

be "deportable," Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman

Carl Rusnok said Sunday.

ICE first became aware of Hernandez, whose Colorado Bureau of

Investigation records show 11 aliases and several places and dates

of birth, after he was arrested Thursday, Rusnok said.

ICE has placed a hold on him, and he will be transferred to federal

custody if he is released from jail.

"Why in the world do they allow somebody to stay on the road when

they could have done something about that?" asked Robert Guntharp,

56, Patricia Guntharp's husband.

Full Story

Fed up ? e-mail this spineless mayor of Denver. A sanctuary
city for illegal aliens-

Mayor John Hickenlooper, Denver, CO: Call him: 720-913-1311 or email

A Blast From The Past - The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same

* What was true in 1958

is still true today ! It's

just covered up by the

media now.