Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Censored By The Multicult Media

Bet you never knew these media censored
facts. The media only portrays Whites as
guilty of race crimes. Here's the reality they
don't let you know -

Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes
committed every
year involving blacks and whites,
blacks commit 85 percent and
whites commit
15 percent.

Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit
officially-designated hate crimes against
whites than vice versa.

The Color of Crime

Race, Crime, and Justice in America
Second, Expanded Edition, 2005

Click for the free PDF version

Please also view-

Media-Suppressed Anti-White Crimes

"Our" politicians and the media
are not on our side. So do
not delude yourselves that they have
our best Interests at heart. They
have allowed this race war against
Whites to covertly commence
since the 1960's. They continually
cover up minority aggression, and
only portray Whites as the
antagonists.Start fighting
back by defending yourself and your
loved ones from these attacks. Start
arming yourselves so you can
defend against Anti-White crimes
and mob attacks. Start standing
up for yourselves. What's better
living and being accused of
"racism" by the media for defending
yourself and your loved ones ? Or
death in one of these attacks from
the fear of being branded "racist" if
you stand up for yourself ?