Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Multicultural Malaise

August 07, 2008

Multiculturalist Malaise—From South Africa

To The Pacific Northwest

I call them English niceties. They are those mannerisms

the English-speaking people share—idiosyncrasies that make

life so very pleasant. You notice them not at all when they

pervade the culture, and pine for them when they’re gone.

And they are slowly disappearing in America, by

and large due to the twin evils of multiculturalism

and mass immigration.

Ordinary Americans outside the halls of power will

appreciate the fellow-feelings that are stirred in me

by my miraculously preserved, distinctly American

neighborhood here in the Pacific Northwest.

It’s a place where people still greet one another in

English and engage in distinct chit-chat: “Lovely day,

isn’t it? Oh, it sure is fabulous.” Or, “You go girl,”

when I’m jogging up the mountain.

It’s a haven where certain conventions of civility and

decorum are observed; and where the same decorations

go up around Halloween and Christmas time.

As an immigrant many times over—from South Africa

to Israel back to South Africa to Canada to the US—I’ve

become excruciatingly aware of what may seem petty,

but is far from it.

As you know, emigration is traumatic. It’s up there

with bereavement and divorce. Leaving a country leaves

one with an irreparable hole in the heart. Leaving a few

countries, as I have, may cause permanent damage.

All the more so when the place you’ve fled, South Africa,

is being dismantled and dropped bit-by-bit down a black

hole. The almost-overnight disintegration of that Christian

civilization at the tip of Africa has sharpened my understanding

of how fragile such western outposts are and how quickly

they can crumble in culturally inhospitable climes.

American opinion has always been as patronizing as it is

ignorant about South Africa. It considered the Old South

Africa an exotic, multicultural society because it was

predominantly black. But it was nothing of the sort. Settled

and shaped by the Dutch in the mid 1600s, the Old South

Africa was Christian, conservative, and, broadly speaking,

bi-racial. Blacks had long since been missionized. In South

Africa, the white man’s quaint, western ways have only

lately come under a full frontal assault.

It is in the New South-African “Eden” that tribal exotica

shamanism, for example—is considered a manifestation

of an African Renaissance. (Ditto the highest murder rate

in the world.)

Immigration into the Old South Africa was relatively

low. Growing up there, I didn’t know any immigrants. Bantu,

Boer, and later British had been competing over that

much-contested corner of the continent for an eternity. My

own family had arrived in South Africa at the turn of the

last century—Jewish traders (and a couple of rabbis) who

fled the massacres and Marxism of Russia.

As a consequence, South Africa was a culturally homogenous,

if politically fractious, society. It will surprise some to learn

that I experienced the greatest multicultural shock to my

system in Canada and the US. The very first time I had

been unable to communicate with a neighbor was not in

faraway South Africa, or Israel, but in Canada, where I

lived among Iranian, Korean, and Iraqi immigrants.

(They seemed perfectly charming, but I had no way of

telling for sure.)

In South Africa, English and Afrikaner “niceties” once

dominated. Still, while black South Africans often had

more English than some of my husband’s American

co-workers today, they appreciated pidgin exchanges

in Xhosa, the dominant Bantu language. To elicit

beguiling grins, one had only to greet the petrol

[British/South African English for gas] attendant

with the words, “Molo Butte” (“Good morning,

brother”). To which he would reply, “Molo Sissy,”

or “Mama,” depending on his interlocutor’s age.

“Progressive” doesn’t imply progress. Like successive

American governments, the “progressive”, lax-on-law-

and-order African National Congress government is

indifferent to immigration enforcement. And, although

South Africa is slowly going the way of Zimbabwe, it

still has some distance to go before there is nothing

left to loot and distribute. In the meantime, the rest

of Africa wants in.

Under the tough-on-law-and-order Afrikaner government,

illegal immigrants from the killing fields to the north

dared not brave the Boer border guards and their equally

ferocious, indigenous assistants: four-legged, wild

beasts. If an illegal immigrant made it into the Old

South Africa, he was removed, turned back at the

gate. Firm but fair.

But blacks now rule the South African roost—and they

deal differently with foreigners foisted on them by the

state: They kill them. And so it transpired, back in

May this year, that gangs of black South Africans swept

through the townships of Johannesburg slaughtering or

savaging African aliens.

Indeed, Africa moves in mysterious ways. Tribe and

territory trump political abstractions. The neoconservative

propositional nation, held together as it is by notional

ideas, doesn’t much move most Africans. Neighbors are

what count.

These brutal actions were underwritten by a deeply felt

impulse, to which Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam

indirectly—and reluctantly—lent scientific imprimatur. Putnam

discovered that the greater the diversity in a community,

the greater the distrust and the despair. His unexceptional

observation that diversity was devastating communities

across America did not drive Putnam to issue an S.O.S.

Rather, he sat on his findings for some time before

publishing Diversity and Community in the Twenty-

First Century. Like many a social scientist living in

symbiosis with the state, Putnam’s loyalties were not

with its suffering subjects.

In the multiplying multicultural communities Professor

Putnam described herein, people "hunker down": They

withdraw, have fewer "friends and confidants," distrust

their neighbors regardless of the color of their skin,

expect the worst from local leaders, volunteer and

car-pool less, give less to charity and "agitate for

social reform more," with little hope of success.

Unlike Americans, Africans don’t huddle in front of the

television, alternating between activism and escapism,

unhappiness and ennui. Instead, they seek and destroy

the causes of their misery. (Yet the press in the West

maligns the Minutemen more than it does killers of


Cut to my community in the Northwest. Down in the

idyllic village three young girls were recently robbed at

knife point, in broad daylight, by a man they described

as Hispanic. Elsewhere in this little hamlet, a woman

stabs a man to death. It is the first murder in five

years, almost unheard of in this well-to-do tiny

town. Unlike the down-market drift increasingly

visible on the streets, demographic details in this

case are (of course) suppressed by the local media.

Higher up on the mountain, where I live, “English

niceties” still prevail. Occasionally an elegantly swaddled

Indian lady will waddle by me on my excursions

outdoors. She stares straight ahead, even as she bumps

me on the narrow sidewalk. She doesn’t know I exist.

In that respect, the South Asian couple that walks by

resembles the East Asian lady. I smile. They come

uncomfortably close, but look right through me.