Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Condi The Crybaby

Condoleeza (Sp ?) or whatever her made up name
is. Is pissed off and pouting over the racial makeup
of diplomats. Shut up and thank affirmative action
that you are a where you are Condi. For without it
you wouldn't even be qualified to be a secretary
of state.

"I want to see a Foreign Service that looks as if black Americans
are part of this great country," Rice told a gathering of black
colleges and universities in Washington.

"And, as a matter of fact, I can go into a whole day of meetings at
the Department of State and actually rarely see somebody who looks
like me, and that's just not acceptable," she added.
( Isn't that a
racist thought crime under Politically Correct thought
codes ? If she was White it surely would qualify as such.)