Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Zionist And Zio-Media 101: How To Discredit A White Racial Conscious And Solidarity = Use Of Fake Kosher Nazi's

Bill White- SPLC and ADL "Nazi" for hire. The
pic above is from his Anarchist/Leftist
days. Before
he was paid by the Zionists to
damage pro-White causes.

From the SPLC's own website page -

Not many on the American radical right started out on the
American radical left, but that is precisely what Bill
White did
. As recently as 1998, the man who is today the
Matt Drudge of the extreme right — an ebullient Internet
gossip who is sometimes right, sometimes wrong, but always
self-important — was an anarchist who promoted
drugs, homosexuality, bombs and violent

How does an ardent Anarchist in this websites early days suddenly
become a"Nazi" ?-

Bill Whites complete archive. From the Anarchist
days to the current "Nazi" format -*/

And now with the complete 180 degree "Nazi" makeover-

He then suddenly decides to become a "Nazi" overnight ??? And leads
this so-called party -

How does a man go from preaching an
earlier philosophy of this -

Utopian Anarchist Party

Statement of Purpose '97-'98

Article I: Purpose

The purpose of the Utopian Anarchist Party is to eliminate the
government of the United States of America and not replace it.

Article II: Goals

In pursuit of this purpose, the Utopian Anarchist Party focuses on

the following goals:

  1. Elimination of the police;
  2. Elimination of jails, prisons, and penitentiaries;
  3. Elimination of coercive public schooling; and,
  4. Elimination of coercive juvenile psychiatry;
by any means expedient.

Article III: Methods

In pursuit of these goals, the Utopian Anarchist Party seeks to
strengthen and improve the people of this country so that they can
carry out these goals and this purpose. In strengthening and
improving the people, the following methods are used:

1. Alternate social services are provided for the unfortunate,
particularly unfortunate youth, including provision of shelter,
food, work, health care, counseling and other services as
resources allow.

2. Educational and informational materials, including newsletters,
brochures, flyers, and pamphlets are created and distributed
among the population free of charge.

3. Programs to support other revolutionary groups, of all
stripes, are implemented as resources allow ( This
is odd for a man who supposedly despises non-Whites
now. At
this time he was willing to ally with LaRaza
or Black
Panthers .)

4. Legal organizations allied with the anarchist movement exist to
achieve anarchist goals within the law.

5. Armed forces are raised, as resources allow, to defend the people
and to counter the aggression of the state

Article IV: Organization and Membership

1. There is no formal or coercive organizational structure to the
Utopian Anarchist Party

2. There are no official titles or positions within the Utopian
Anarchist Party.

3. There are no membership requirements nor formal
"membership" status. (Rather odd for a man who
harbors such a hatred for non-Whites
currently. Yet another in a string of odd 180 degree
shifts in position overnight.)

4. There is no party line to which sympathizers must adhere.

5. Members of other organizations are welcome to hold sympathies
towards the Utopian Anarchist Party.

To this magically overnight -

Articles Of Organization
The American National Socialist
Workers' Party

As Amended July 28, 2008, at the Second Party Congress,
held in Roanoke, Virginia.

Article I. Name

The name of the organization shall be the American National Socialist

Workers' Party.( The Anarchist decides to become a Nazi suddenly.)

Article II. Goal

The goal of the organization shall be the establishment of a National Socialist

government in the United States, modeled on the government of the German

Third Reich. ( Now Bill White desires a government system, when

his previous stance in the Utopian Anarchist Party was-

The purpose of the Utopian Anarchist Party is to

eliminate the government of the United States of

America and not replace it. How very odd ! The

former Anarchist who despised Government now

wants one if it's a Nazi government.)

A party platform shall be established to define the political positions of the party

on specific issues affecting the American people.

XIV. Requirements for Membership

( The total opposite of his previous membership

requirements for the Utopian Anarchist Party. )

Party members shall also be known as party comrades and must be adults of

white racial heritage and good morals, and at least 18 years of age.

Party comrades must swear to uphold the goals and the leadership of the party

and must agree not to participate in organizations whose activities are harmful

to those of the party.

The Commander may draw up a list of prohibited organizations, to which party

comrades may not hold membership.

Youth organizations may be established which waive the youth requirements, but

individuals under 18 years of age may not hold office in the party or participate in

the business of the party, outside of youth organizations

White racial heritage shall be defined as being able to trace seven of one's eight

great grandparents' ethnic origins to the Aryan peoples of the land now occupied

by the following nations: Andorra, Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium,

Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, England,

Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,

Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta,

Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia,

Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, or Wales.

Those who assume leadership positions in the movement must be able to trace

fifteen of their sixteen great-great grandparents' origins to the Aryan peoples of the

lands listed above.

In the absence of evidence to the contrary, having an ancestor of a given ethnic

heritage creates a presumption that the parents of that ancestor were of the same

ethnic heritage.

Unless he is just another in a long line of Jews posing as Nazi's to
discredit White pride and racial solidarity. Read about Bill Whites
past -

Bill White

Bill is another Jew playing Nazi , like these classic cases-


Frank Collins

Leo Felton

George Lincoln Rockwell

A short history of Kosher Nazi's

Bill Whites mission as dictated by his ADL and SPLC handlers -

Bill White seeks to create a situation that the Congress, court system,
and Zio-American entity need in order to force through legislation
designed to do one thing, shut down dissent. ZOG needs to do
something and quickly, the economy is reeling and International
Jewry expects a backlash, thus they need to figure out a way to
introduce and pass legislation that will shut up bloggers like me.

Enter Bill White, he publishes the above magazine, with its
provocative cover, and writes an article that accompanies it
in which he says, "White people must deny him the presidency,
as a radical he admires might say, "by any means necessary,"
which was meant to be inflammatory.

Why does Bill White do this? I'll tell you why, just today, less than a
week after writing the above statement, Bill White tells us that some
dumb bastard was arrested outside of Barack Obama's house, with a
gun, bulletproof vest, and guess what else he had in his possession?
You got it, ANSWP [American National Socialist Workers Party]
literature. The ANSWP is in reality a non-existent American Nazi
party with approximately 6 members from coast to coast, most of
whom are as Jewish as Bill White, with the mission of making
look as racist as possible and giving ZOG the excuses
it needs to force
through hate speech legislation, which it
wants to do even more badly
than it wants to grab your
guns, which by the way is a close second.

And most of all -

Bill White’s only mission is to be as provocative and inflammatory as
possible, John de Nugent, a true White nationalist leader sums up White’s
primary purpose nicely,
“This man's mission is to discredit this
Cause [White nationalism] and cause its ultimate
de Nugent, a descendant of honorable Normans, sent me
an email earlier today, revealing
Bill White’s newest mission, to
stir up hatred against Whites that seek only to rally other
Whites around the idea that most White folk are already
somewhat aware of, how we’ve been made second class citizens
in our own country through the alleged virtues of
“multiculturalism, tolerance and diversity.”

If I were Barack Obama I’d be a little concerned at this point, not because
of the nonexistent threat represented by White nationalists, but because a
known ADL/SPLC agent is calling for his assassination, and the
have the power, money, access, and wherewithal to carry out an
assassination, and most importantly, they have the motive, set
White nationalism so that Zionism’s greatest and most
enemy can be effectively silenced.

These kosher clowns do their masters bidding. They seek to destroy
any concept of White solidarity and pride. These Jewish Zionists pose
as Nazi's and play into all of the stereotypes. They are not proud
Whites at all, just Jewish guns fore hire. They seek to vilify Whites,
not fight for us or our rights.

And the Zionists and their media have many of you believing
in their lies.