Friday, September 12, 2008

More Marxist Shrieking Of Racism

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Critics of Kalashnikov MP branded racist

Critics of a SNP politician caught on

video firing a Kalashnikov AK47 assault

rifle in Pakistan have been branded

racist and colonialist by Westminster's

newest MP.

By Simon Johnson, Scottish Political Editor
Last Updated: 5:30PM BST 11 Sep 2008

John Mason (Self hating White Marxist), who pulled off a

stunning victory in the Glasgow East by-election, claimed that

Councillor Jahangir Hanif had been unfairly lambasted for

showing his children how to use the gun during a trip to the

Kashmir border.

He argued that it amounted to 'thinly disguised racism'(What

Isn't today ?) to oppose the use of guns in other countries

where they may form an integral part of the culture.

The Scottish Nationalist ( Nationalist ?) MP also

criticised his party for suspending Mr Hanif, who has

been dubbed the Kalashnikov councillor, claiming the

sentence was unduly harsh.

The comments were acutely embarrassing for Alex Salmond,

the SNP leader, who yesterday came under attack at First

Minister's Questions at Holyrood for failing to condemn them.

Mr Salmond admitted to reading internet blogs about the scandal,

but not a letter from councillor Hanif's daughter in which she had

pleaded with him to throw her father out of the party.

Mr Mason launched his extraordinary defence of Mr Hanif's

actions after being informed of the letter's content by a local


The Glasgow East MP said: "The repeated attacks on the

SNP's Councillor Hanif are coming across as thinly disguised

racism. (This is beyond old, find some new

accusation.This one isn't really effective

anymore. This is only the

999,999,999,999,999,th time it has been used)

Full Article -