Monday, September 8, 2008

Bolshevik Crackpot "Professor" And "Racism" In The 21st Century

Bolshevik "Professor" Ronald Hall

* Where do the Marxists in academia find
these people ?
If such loonies did
not exist, you'd have to manufacture

Let the predictable Anti-White and
Anti-Western tirade begin -

EAST LANSING, Mich. — Contrary to the belief of many Americans,

racism remains one of the nation’s most pressing social problems – albeit

in a different form, according to a new book co-written and edited

by a Michigan State University scholar.

Skin color has come to replace race as an important cause of

discrimination, Ronald Hall, associate professor of social work,

says in “Racism in the 21st Century.” The book, published by

Springer, will be available Friday.

He said discrimination based on skin color – which some

call “colorism” – is a centuries-old product of Western

colonialism. But it has long remained a taboo subject, he said, even

as the civil rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s dominated the public

discourse and ultimately led to significant gains.

“The civil rights movement was successful because we knew

who the enemy was,” Hall said. “This is very covert. I think it’s a huge

problem because it’s so insidious and so subtle. It’s kind of like

that music in a doctor’s office: It’s there but no one really notices it.”

And now enter the Marxists weird fetish

and obsession with interracial couplings -

“As we move further into the 21st century, with increased levels of
interracial marriage, we won’t be able to make racial differentiations,” he
said. “You’re going to have people, for example, with Asian facial
features, African hair texture and Caucasian skin tones – and that’s
unprecedented. But the way we’ll continue to assess one another,
unfortunately, is going to be based on the manifestations of skin color.”

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