Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Self Hating White Who Should Slit " His " Wrists Upward And End "His" Misery

* Here is a very mentally disturbed "White
male". His sign off is truly classy. This useless

eater should just kill "himself".

He's sick of hearing of Anti-White Racism, yet
views the videos on youtube ? This waste of space
his race, rather than stand with his people.

He's another self hating leftist who cannot fathom
sacred cow brown & black races
doing anything
wrong. Self hating Whites look the other way when they see
incidents like this .Then they attack their own for standing
up against Anti-White racism. As is usually the case
with the
mindless multicult hordes. Another we are
the world "raceless" White leftist moron".

"Oh my white people against Anti-White
racism, they
must be racists ! ". Piss off, that has
gotten old
and doesn't scare any sane White

Besides by that logic, wouldn't the "Civil Rights"
movement be racist ? After all, It did focus
only on
Black issues.