too, until the social construct known as the white race is
destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed."
--- Noel Ignatiev, Jewish Harvard professor and editor of Race
Traitor magazine (Washington Times, September 4, 2002)
* This projection has Marxists ejaculating in their
panties. Though there are many variables affecting
now and 34 years into the future..In which these simple
minded peons do not take into effect. But the bottom line
is they hate Whites and themselves. They pray for the day
our people all die off. Self hating Whites and Marxists think
like this-
"It may take the destruction of Western Civilization to allow the
rest of the world to really emerge as a free and brotherly society."
The World Council of Churches, Andrew Young
"My white skin disgusts me. My passport disgusts me. They
are the marks of an insufferable privilege bought at the
price of others' agony. If I could peel myself inside out I
would be glad. If I could become part of the oppressed I
would be free." (Robin Morgan (The Demon Lover: On the
Sexuality of Terrorism -- 1989, pg. 224)
They are truly warped in their logic and reasoning. They are
quite infatuated with hate, while claiming to be against hate.
The one thing that they love is Anti-White hate ! And the
selfish bastards want to force their race as a whole down
the path of racial and cultural suicide !
And these minority peoples in which the Marxist White
buffoons worship. The races supposedly incapable of
hatred and racism, salivate for this day. -
"We're here today to show L.A., show the minority
people here, the Anglo-Saxons, that we are here, the
majority, we're here to stay. We do the work in this
city, we take care of the spoiled brat children…. we
are the majority here and we are not going to be
pushed around." (AUGUSTIN CEBADA, Head of the
Brown Berets, a Hispanic activist organization
"We have an aging white America. They are dying. They
are shitting in their pants with fear!… I love it!"-[PROF.
JOSE ANGEL GUTIERREZ (University of Texas, Arlington)
Speech of Jan. 1995, quoted in Coe, Reconquista, p. 16.]
"Europe has reigned long enough; it is the source of most
of the evil in the world anyway;" (pg. 64) "The Western
tradition, in this view,is inherently racist, sexist,
"classist," hegemonic, irredeemably repressive,
irredeemably oppressive." (pg. 123) "Western European
culture is the most destructive phenomenon in the
known history of the planet. ... It is deeply hateful
of life and committed to death;" ((Dinesh D'souza,
Illiberal Education --1992, pg. 7) -And Africa is a shining
beacon of light for the rest of the World to emulate ? As is
the norm in their Mulicult Marxists train of thought. Anything
White European = Evil. They seek to attack and destroy our
racial and cultural traditions.
By 2042, America's Minorities
Become The New Majority By Frosty Wooldridge