Who's calling for this ?
For those of you that still don’t know, Bill White is the self appointed
leader of the American National Socialist Workers Party, an ADL/
SPLC front used by the Zionists to incite violence against
minorities. I’ve written about this fake Nazi before, in an article
entitled Alleged White Supremacist Bill White‘s Kosher Attack on Ron
Paul,” in which I detail Bill White’s past, he grew up in a Jewish
neighborhood and attended predominantly Jewish schools. I
cite facts that the MSM, who loves to quote him, which ought to be a dead
giveaway, aren’t going to mention, like his close ties with known FBI agent
provocateurs like David Gletty, who while working directly with the FBI
formed a “neo-Nazi march through the streets of Parramore that stirred
up anxiety in Orlando's black community and fears of racial unrest that
triggered a major police mobilization.”
Bill White isn’t Zionism’s first plant in the White nationalist community,
there are others too, Hal Turner being another obvious example. As I
pointed out in “Alleged White Supremacist Bill White‘s Kosher Attack
on Ron Paul,” neither Bill White, or Hal Turner are considered legitimate
by real White nationalists, who are as a rule, more than aware of the
duplicity of both men. So far as I can tell, the only groups lending
White and Turner any credibility are the mainstream Zionist media,
the ADL, the SPLC, Alex Linder’s VNN, and to a slightly lesser extent,
the FBI.
leader of the American National Socialist Workers Party, an ADL/
SPLC front used by the Zionists to incite violence against
minorities. I’ve written about this fake Nazi before, in an article
entitled Alleged White Supremacist Bill White‘s Kosher Attack on Ron
Paul,” in which I detail Bill White’s past, he grew up in a Jewish
neighborhood and attended predominantly Jewish schools. I
cite facts that the MSM, who loves to quote him, which ought to be a dead
giveaway, aren’t going to mention, like his close ties with known FBI agent
provocateurs like David Gletty, who while working directly with the FBI
formed a “neo-Nazi march through the streets of Parramore that stirred
up anxiety in Orlando's black community and fears of racial unrest that
triggered a major police mobilization.”
Bill White isn’t Zionism’s first plant in the White nationalist community,
there are others too, Hal Turner being another obvious example. As I
pointed out in “Alleged White Supremacist Bill White‘s Kosher Attack
on Ron Paul,” neither Bill White, or Hal Turner are considered legitimate
by real White nationalists, who are as a rule, more than aware of the
duplicity of both men. So far as I can tell, the only groups lending
White and Turner any credibility are the mainstream Zionist media,
the ADL, the SPLC, Alex Linder’s VNN, and to a slightly lesser extent,
the FBI.
What is the reasoning behind their agenda ?
Bill White’s only mission is to be as provocative and inflammatory as
possible, John de Nugent, a true White nationalist leader sums up White’s
primary purpose nicely, “This man's mission is to discredit this
Cause [White nationalism] and cause its ultimate
disaster.” de Nugent, a descendant of honorable Normans, sent me
an email earlier today, revealing Bill White’s newest mission, to
stir up hatred against Whites that seek only to rally other
Whites around the idea that most White folk are already
somewhat aware of, how we’ve been made second class citizens
in our own country through the alleged virtues of
“multiculturalism, tolerance and diversity.”
possible, John de Nugent, a true White nationalist leader sums up White’s
primary purpose nicely, “This man's mission is to discredit this
Cause [White nationalism] and cause its ultimate
disaster.” de Nugent, a descendant of honorable Normans, sent me
an email earlier today, revealing Bill White’s newest mission, to
stir up hatred against Whites that seek only to rally other
Whites around the idea that most White folk are already
somewhat aware of, how we’ve been made second class citizens
in our own country through the alleged virtues of
“multiculturalism, tolerance and diversity.”
And -
If I were Barack Obama I’d be a little concerned at this point, not because
of the nonexistent threat represented by White nationalists, but because a
known ADL/SPLC agent is calling for his assassination, and the Zionists
have the power, money, access, and wherewithal to carry out an
assassination, and most importantly, they have the motive, set
up White nationalism so that Zionism’s greatest and most
tenacious enemy can be effectively silenced.
of the nonexistent threat represented by White nationalists, but because a
known ADL/SPLC agent is calling for his assassination, and the Zionists
have the power, money, access, and wherewithal to carry out an
assassination, and most importantly, they have the motive, set
up White nationalism so that Zionism’s greatest and most
tenacious enemy can be effectively silenced.