made sanctuary cities for illegals. The
citizens in these cities must be enjoying the
"enrichment" the Bolsheviks have forced
upon them.
Deadly Legacy Of
US Sanctuary CitiesBy Frosty Wooldridge 9-8-8 During the 'War on Terror', four times more Americans died at the hands
of illegal aliens within the United States than U.S. soldiers in Iraq and
Afghanistan over the past seven years. Illegal aliens continue their own
'killing zone' against Americans in every corner of American society.
Three years ago, an illegal alien, after being stopped by police and released
three times, Gomez-Garcia, executed Denver Officer Don Young in Denver,
Colorado. Another illegal alien, Francisco Montero, with 11 prior stops for
drunk driving, killed Dale Englerth in Boulder, Colorado. Yet another illegal
alien killed Officer Brian Jackson in Dallas, Texas last year. Another illegal
killed Officer Nick Erfle in Phoenix, Arizona. Two more illegals ran over
and nearly killed former Colorado University pro-prospect quarterback
John Hessler, sending him into a wheelchair for life with severe brain
damage. Both illegals fled back to Mexico.
Last year, in New Jersey, two illegal aliens executed three black
American college students in the back of their heads as they knelt in a
vacant alley.
Last month, in San Francisco, Edwin Ramos coldly shot Mr. Tony Bologna,
48, and his two sons, Michael, 20, and Mathew 16, while they sat in their
cars in traffic.
What did all those illegal aliens hold in common? Answer: police arrested
every single one of them multiple times. Many sported rap sheets five pages
long with felonies, drunken driving, rapes, burglaries, car theft and
worse. What else did they hold in common? Answer: every single one of
them enjoyed exemption from the law. How did they accomplish freedom
from the law? Answer: every one of them lived and worked in a "Sanctuary
City" within the United States that gave them immunity from arrest and
deportation for their status as illegal aliens.
In other words, our laws do not pertain to them. They could drive drunk,
drive without a license, drive without insurance, work without papers, not
pay taxes and live within the United States totally against our laws. As the
Southwest Airlines ad says, "You're free to move about the country!"
Who stands guilty of all these deaths? For starters, Los Angeles Mayor
Antonio Villaraigosa, San Francisco's Mayor Newsome, Mayor Gordon
of Phoenix, Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago, Mayor Bloomberg in NYC,
and my Mayor John Hickenlooper in Denver, Colorado. Every mayor of
every sanctuary city stands in direct violation of U.S. federal laws and in
direct violation of their oaths of office. Every one of those mayors from
the past and into the future stands responsible for killing thousands of
American citizens.
But last week, the most horrendous of "Sanctuary City" killing crimes
occurred in Denver, Colorado. See story in the Denver Post: "ICE holds
crash driver"
An illegal alien from Mexico, with 16 prior arrests, 11 aliases--Francis
Hernandez, 23, drunker than a skunk on a Saturday night, drove his vehicle
into a Baskin-Robbins ice cream parlor-killing Patricia Guntharp, 49, and
Debra Serecky, 51. But more than the two adults who lived two-thirds of
their lives, Hernandez killed a little boy, Marten Kudlis, three years of
age, as he sat on a stool happily licking his ice cream cone.
This story turns your stomach. It sickens your heart. It leaves a sour taste
in your mouth. It grinds at your senses. It bedevils your sense of right
and wrong.
Why do you obey our laws, but our own elected officials refuse their
obligations to serve and enforce our statues? Even Colorado Governor
Ritter gave hundreds of known drug dealers 'agricultural trespass' that
allowed them back onto the streets during his tenure as Denver's district
That three year old child Marten never stood a chance against a career
criminal because Mayor John Hickenlooper offers 'sanctuary' for illegal
aliens in Denver. In fact, even more horrific, Hickenlooper owned the
"Cherry Cricket Restaurant" where the killer Gomez-Garcia worked when
he shot Denver Officer Don Young. But it doesn't end there--Hickenlooper
stood by as another young man, husband and father, Justin Goodman died
at the hands of another illegal alien three years ago-by a hit and run illegal
with a five page rap sheet but no deportation. Added to that, Denver
suffers 12,000 gang members, mostly illegal aliens-that Hickenlooper
allows immunity from prosecution via his "Sanctuary Policy".
According to Joseph Farrah, World Net Daily, September 5, 2008, "Though
no federal statistics are kept on murders or any other crimes committed by
illegal aliens, a number of groups have produced estimates based on data
collected from prisons, news reports and independent research.
"Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according
to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are
correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal
aliens. That's 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.
"The carnage wrought by illegal alien murderers represents only a fraction
of the pool of blood spilled by American citizens as a result of an open
border and un-enforced immigration laws.
"While King reports 12 Americans are murdered daily by illegal aliens, he
says 13 are killed by drunk illegal alien drivers for another annual death
toll of 4,745. That's 23,725 since Sept. 11, 2001.
"While no one in or out of government tracks all U.S. accidents caused by
illegal aliens, the statistical and anecdotal evidence suggests many of last
year's 42,636 road deaths involved illegal aliens.
"A report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Study found 20 percent of fatal
accidents involve at least one driver who lacks a valid license.
"King also reports eight American children are victims of sexual abuse
by illegal aliens every day a total of 2,920 annually.
"Based on a one-year in-depth study, Deborah Schurman-Kauflin of the
Violent Crimes Institute of Atlanta estimates there are about 240,000
illegal immigrant sex offenders in the United States who have had an
average of four victims each. She analyzed 1,500 cases from January
1999 through April 2006 that included serial rapes, serial murders,
sexual homicides and child molestation committed by illegal immigrants."
All of those illegal alien criminals enjoy "Sanctuary City" protection from
nearly 30 major cities in the United States-all in violation of the U.S.
Constitution. (USC 8, 1374, 274, 275, 276)
What if Mayor Hickenlooper's family members suffered death, rape or
molestation by an illegal? Would he rescind his "Sanctuary Policy" in
Denver? Would Bloomberg in New York City? Would Mayor Gordon
in Phoenix?
A profound depression hovers over me as I write this column. What if
Marten Kudlis had been my son, my only son, as he was the Kudlis' only
child? I find my sense of reason, logic and rational action defeated by
these men in office, not only as mayors of cities, but all the way to the
U.S. House, Senate and President Bush himself. As we suffer invasion
by upwards of 20 million illegal aliens overrunning our communities,
those men in high office do nothing to stop it.
They not only refuse to uphold their oaths of office, they, instead--aid,
abet and assist illegal aliens to kill American citizens and wreak havoc
on our communities and lives. It's beyond comprehension and it's
beyond sickening. Both presidential candidates failed to breathe a
word about it in the RNC and DNC.
We can only wonder if the next victim of an illegal alien kills a daughter
or son of a governor, mayor, senator, House rep or one of President
Bush's family-would they take action for the rest of us who suffer
losses daily?
Ask John Hickenlooper why he continues sanctuary city policy after
all those deaths on his hands?
Mayor John Hickenlooper, Denver, CO: Call him: 720-913-1311 or email
Colorado Governor Ritter: Call him: Ph. 303 866 2471
Why won't he enforce our immigration laws?