Black history to be compulsory
in schools for first time
Learning about black history is to be
compulsory in secondary schools for the
first time following a review of the
national curriculum.
Last Updated: 12:08AM BST 27 Aug 2008
All pupils aged between 11 and 14 will be taught about the slave
trade and the British empire when term begins next month to
help them understand modern-day issues such as immigration.
* The real reason the Marxists are forcing this is below in
The two subjects, aimed at highlighting the influence
of ethnic minorities, will join the two world wars and the
Holocaust as periods that must form part of the history syllabus.
* Now enter White guilt -
may be ashamed to admit it, the slave trade is an
integral part of British history. It is inextricably linked
to trade, colonisation, industrialisation and the
British Empire. ( And who sold slaves to Britain ?
Africans ! But that will be conveniently omitted from
the "lessons".)
* The Marxist Multicult agenda has a big role in this-
"Black history is not just about slavery - it is much broader than that. It
is about the contribution that black and Asian people have made
throughout history. The benefits are that pupils gain a better
appreciation of the multicultural society around them and
the contribution they can make."
According to a Government briefing document one of the aims of the
switch is to "put immigration, the Commonwealth and the legacy of
the Empire into a clear historical context...This can help pupils
prepare for life in a diverse and multi-ethnic society".
* Oh really if Diversity is so great In Britain explain
this Bolshevik brainwashers -
* As usual White heroes are historically erased in the
Marxist Multicult public schools -
However, the decision last year to omit Sir Winston Churchill
from the list of figures that must be studied in history angered
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